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Daycare & Home visits

Each of ADventure Dog's services are tailored to our customers individual needs.  If you have a specific request or even if your pet requires medication, our team will be able to help. We have over 15 years experience caring for pets of all types and sizes. Just because we are Dog walkers doesn't mean this is the only way we can help you. We can also care for any of your other pets, such as cats, rabbits, small rodents, birds and fish to name but a few. From a short weekend to a full holiday if your leaving beloved pets at home we can keep them safe.

Pet sitting

It may be that you want to get away for the weekend, are going away with work or have a stay in hospital approaching. Whatever the reason, the last thing you want to do is unsettle your pet while you’re away by moving them out of the comfort of their own home.

With our help your pet can remain on his regular routine avoiding the stress of adapting to a new environment, such as a kennel or cattery.

This service is especially beneficial to pets with health problems and mobility issues such as incontinence and arthritis who might otherwise find anything less than their comfy sofa to sleep on an ordeal.

So rest assured! We can exercise, feed, change water, clean out, handle, administer medication and perform all general day to day duties for your pet when you can’t, as well as giving them as many cuddles as we can squeeze into a visit.


Cats / Rodents / Small animals

Daily 30 min visit £7.50

Daily 60 min visit £12.50

Weekly Cleaning £10.00

2 x Weekly cleaning £15.00


" Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them’s taking a poop, the other one’s carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge?"
—Jerry Seinfeld

Home visits

This is a great service for those with puppies, elderly dogs and dogs who are in rehabilitation from injuries who all need that bit of extra care.

We can assist any pet with this service, even if you have a cat who just craves human attention and needs to see a friendly face during their day!

We can pop in to your home and pay your pet a visit to ensure they are left feeling comfortable, well stimulated and happy while you’re busy or out and about. We can let your pet into the garden to relieve himself, feed him, administer medication and give lots of tender loving care and stimulation keeping boredom at bay and adverse behaviours to a minimum.

If this service is for you, just get in touch and we will help to create a care plan specifically with your pet in mind, so their day is a happy and healthy one.


Home visits / Puppy visits                In-house day care - £25.00

Additional dog + 50%                      Additional dog + 50%

30 min visit £7.50                            1 hr morning visit inc. 45 min walk

2 x 30 min visit £12.50                      30 min lunch visit

2 x 60 min visit £20.00                     1 hr evening visit inc. 45 min walk

​“If you eliminate smoking and gambling, you will be amazed to find that almost all an Englishman’s pleasures can be, and mostly are, shared by his dog.” — George Bernard Shaw

Stay at home dog sitting

All dogs will be cared for within your own home and treated just as they would be by you. We can visit first thing in the morning, midday and evenings to make sure their normal routine of feeding, water and walking breaks are maintained while you are away. Or one of our professional dog sitters can remain in your home for the duration of your holiday.

£25.00 / day per dog.

" If you think dogs can’t count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them.”
Phil Pastoret

Professional, insured carers make sure your dog has a vacation as great as yours!

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